Compared to the already funded initiatives, the proposed project presents innovative aspects at different levels.
In the first instance, ThisPLACED proposes a transnational multi-stakeholder’ collaborative methodology according to which different kind of actors, from CH experts and cultural operators to artists and representatives of the broader society, will come together and will cooperate for the reshaping of the regional cultural identities of their own places of living and operating.
In the second instance, the cultural heritage elements taken into account within the project are intended in a broader sense, including not only officially recognized cultural, artistic and archaeological features, but also memories, stories and traditions to be extracted and identified through the contributions provided by the citizenship.
In the third instance, in the framework of the project, art and artistic production play a crucial role and are intended as useful means of communication and restitution of the identities and cultural imageries identified. Finally, the innovative methodology proposed is completed by the engagement of cultural operators and staff throughout the project, in order to equip them with the proper tools and know how to be able to communicate the cultural imageries developed and to effectively promote the territories and the related cultural heritage.
ThisPLACED operates therefore on multiple levels, from the involvement of citizens to the up-skilling of cultural operators and the creation and circulation of artisticworks, with the common objectives of moving multiple actors and factors in a process of territorial promotion through a methodology designed at transnational level and tested in 4 different regional territories.
The project will also capitalize on the cross-fertilization and contamination with different locally rooted initiatives carried out by the partnership. All the partners involved are very active at their regional scale in the management of cultural, artistic, and promotional activities aiming at valorising local territories.
All the PPs will put efforts in creating synergies between the local initiatives and the ThisPLACED activities, with the aim of producing mutually beneficial Contaminations by maximising the impact of the project on one hand and increasing the reach-out potential of local activities by joining an international network and a transnational audience on the other.